Let us be your expert colleague.
We can “carve out” the parts of a PEO relationship you don’t want, leaving only the parts you do.
SBA Financial is uniquely positioned to assist companies in customizing the benefits available through a PEO — letting you pay only for the parts of the the PEO offerings you need and leaving behind “deadweight” services. While there are administrative, health care reform, underwriting and tax considerations specific to each state, our expertise helps you focus on the big picture while remaining compliant with technicalities. We’ll help you lock down:
Small and Large Group Medical
Self-funded Plans
MEWA/ Association plans
Prescription & Wellness plans
Long Term Care (Group & Individual)
Voluntary (Aflac)
And we can set up your employee’s other pretax benefits so they work in sync with other offerings.
SBA Financial can assist you with:
401(k) retirement plan
Full plan administration
Compliance testing and analysis
Plan audits and 5500 tax filings
Executive benefits (non-qualified deferred compensation/162 bonus plans)
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs)
Section 125 cafeteria plans - Premium Only Plans (POPs)
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), including medical and child care expenses as well as medical debit cards
Parking and transit plans (Section 132)
Setting up benefits plans for employees is no picnic. We eliminate the headache and leave you with benefits infrastructure that works together to give your employees the best offering possible on your budget.